MaxMD is committed to providing rapidly deployed, cost-effective, industry-compliant, scalable interoperability solutions via the Direct Protocol.

Whether you are a small practice or a large hospital organization, choosing MaxMD as your EHNAC Accredited Health Information Service Provider (HISP), RA, and CA means you can expect:

  • Interoperability: MaxMD boasts interoperability with 100% of the Direct Trust Accredited Trust Bundle. We also offer trust bundle customization for interoperating with unaccredited HISPs with completion of the proper documentation.
  • Rapid implementation: EaaS® implementations typically require less than 10 days; our fastest hospital implementation was 2 hours. Standalone Hosted Direct mdEmail® accounts can be delivered in less than 24 hours. MaxMD’s easy Implementation Checklist and dedicated team will guide you through every step of the process.
  • Industry compliance: MaxMD fully adheres to work policies and security procedures that are consistent with ISO 27002 as well as the requirements of HIPAA, HITECH, the Direct Project and the Certificate Policies and Practices of
  • Meaningful Use: MaxMD has multiple configuration options supporting Meaningful Use Stage 2 summary of care core measures with EaaS® for those with inpatient CEHRT, or our Hosted Direct mdEmail® Version 3.0 product for those EHR Vendors whose CEHRT needs a compliant direct capability.
  • Payload agnostic: Direct allows you to send and receive both structured and unstructured data with the highest standards of encryption and decryption. Maximizing the capabilities of the Direct Protocol with MaxMD will significantly improve your care coordination.
  • Platform agnostic: Our products can be easily integrated into EHRs, mail servers, or any existing healthcare technology application. MaxMD supports integration via XD* and all standard edge protocols.
  • Reliable service: MaxMD prides itself 100% availability. With over 10 years of history providing secure communication services to healthcare organizations MaxMD clients have experienced zero down time and zero lost data.

In large organizations with existing or soon-to-be deployed healthcare information technology (HIT) systems, our capital efficient, secure communications solutions based on the company’s EaaS® (Encryption as a Service) platform enables clients to quickly interface our HISP without workflow disruption or the need for any additional hardware.

Single providers and small clinics, on the other hand, benefit from simply implementing our standalone Hosted Direct mdEmail® Version 3.0 accounts. Accessible from desktops, tablets and smartphones, this straightforward yet advanced technology allows for healthcare providers to interact with both colleagues and patients in a secure, encrypted way from their desktop, smartphone or tablet .

With MaxIntegration™, we supplement our HISP with data translation capabilities to maximize health information exchange with a one-to-many interface.